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Going from Non-Racist to Anti-Racist to Co-Conspirator to Accomplice

Updated: Apr 12, 2021

It used to be satisfactory and even heart-warming when a person said, "I am not a racist. I treat everyone with respect." That position, however, is a passive one. It means that you don't do anything to contribute to the problem of racism, but you don't do anything to improve the situation, either. It means you can witness and be aware of racism and racist behavior but you are okay because you are not a participant. Is it okay to know child abuse happens across the country but because you don't abuse your children, you are doing your part? You can do so much more.

Being an Ally or Anti-Racist or Co-Conspirator or Accomplice means taking action. If this was a sports event, it's the difference between sitting in the stands and getting on the field. And, here's a warning: Getting on the field, just like in football, means meeting with resistance, getting tackled, getting hit in the mouth, and even fumbling the ball. It's a lifelong commitment, not a temporary, check-the-box kind of dedication to a cause, trend, or movement. It's also a learning journey where misfires and mistakes are common. But taking the journey of being an Anti-Racist, Co-Conspirator, or Accomplice generates empathy, cultivates knowledge, and creates an appreciation for the rich diversity and people that have shaped our country's history. Please comment on this blog with suggestions for future topics as well.

If this was a sports event, it's the difference between sitting in the stands and getting on the field. And, here's a warning: Getting on the field, just like in football, means meeting with resistance, getting tackled, getting hit in the mouth, and even fumbling the ball. It's a lifelong commitment, not a temporary, check-the-box kind of dedication to a cause, trend, or movement.

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